Lawn Care Benefits

Healthy Lawn = Healthy EARTH

Your lawn is working hard to improve our environment. It's all part of a wonderful cycle of interdependence between the plant and animal kingdoms. Man, and animals produce waste products which plants must have to thrive, and plants produce waste products which man and animal needs.
Core Aeration — Good Lawn in Wayne, IN

Benefits of A Healthy Lawn

  • Grass provides a cooling effect which reduces the need for air conditioning in the summer. Grass reduces surface temperatures 30 to 40 degrees as compared to bare soil.
  • Grass takes carbon dioxide out of the air and replaces it with oxygen. A patch of grass just 50 feet by 50 feet generates enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four.
  • Grass clippings are left on the lawn decay and release valuable nutrients that improve the soil.
  • The system of leaves and roots in grass plants enables them to trap about 12 million tons of dust and dirt from the air annually. Just one acre of grass will absorb hundreds of pounds of sulfur dioxide from burning fossil fuels each year.
  • Rain traps pollutants in the air and deposits them in the thatch layer of lawns. They are rapidly broken down by millions of microbes that live there naturally.
  • Studies at Penn State have shown that water runoff as well as water which drained through the soil just two days after a chemical application was usually cleaner than government standards for drinking water.
  • Up to 90% of the weight of a grass plant is in the root system. This makes grass very efficient at preventing erosion, and in removing soil particles from silty water.

A Beautiful Lawn and Landscape Add Value to Your Home

A Recent Gallup Survey reported that a beautiful well-maintained lawn and landscape add 15% to a home's value.

The World's Second-Best Filter

When it rains on the pavement, most of the water goes down the drain. When it rains on lawns and gardens, rain is held in the soil until it can filter down to the water table for everyone's use. Healthy grass, for instance, is six times as effective as a wheat field, and four times as good as a hay field. Only a forest does a better job. Health turf makes a worthy contribution in filtering our groundwater!
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