Lawn Care Services


We provide your lawn season to season protection. All you have to do is mow and water as recommended and keep your lawn on regular uninterrupted service. If you do this ...
  • Leisure Lawn will provide service calls and consultations at no charge.
  • Leisure Lawn will provide extra weed control treatments if needed between applications at no charge.
  • Leisure Lawn will address your concerns in a timely manner.
  • Leisure Lawn will continue to provide you with 97% pesticide-free lawn care.
Landscaping — Trimming the Grass in Wayne, IN

Fertilization and Weed Control

Tailored to our local climate, grass varieties and soils.
  • Dry slow release plant foods that feed plants naturally through the roots and last 6 - 8 weeks. Slow feeding gives more even growth, so your mowing schedule is easier.
  • Liquid broadleaf weed control applied separately.
  • Free Consultations to address any concerns you have about your lawn.
  • Free Weed Touch-up between applications

Grub Control

Grass — Grub Control in Wayne, IN
Grubs are the larval stage of several kinds of beetles. They hatch from eggs laid in the ground early in the summer and live in the soil where they gorge themselves on the roots of plants.
Signs of grubs are wilting plants or sections of turf which can be picked up like a carpet. In some cases, areas of grass will be killed from heavy grub feeding.
Grubs will continue feeding until fall temperatures drive them deep into the soil for the winter. They will resurface and continue feeding in the spring until they emerge from the soil as adult beetles.
There are two ways to deal with a grub problem. One is prevention and the other is curative. If you have a problem with grubs every year, we can proactively apply a preventive early in the season. Otherwise we will wait for signs of activity and treat them at that time. We use the only bee safe on the market.

Tree and Shrub Feeding

In nature's cycle, each year's foliage falls to the ground, decays, and becomes the source of nutrients for the tree. We interrupt this cycle by raking up leaves in the fall. Grass growing under trees also competes for both water and nutrients. In a forest, there are few competing plants that grow in the root zone of the trees.
Late fall and early winter are ideal times to replace the nutrients used by trees during the growing season. Leisure Lawn uses an ultra-slow release fertilizer with micronutrients which lasts a full year. A single feeding once a year is all that is needed!

Perimeter Pest Control

We can help prevent insects and pests from coming into your home with a protective barrier. This will greatly reduce the number of ants, spiders, silverfish, sow bugs, pill bugs, and the like entering your home. 
A full year of protection consists of three treatments per year applied between April and September.

Fleas, Ticks and Surface Insects

Fleas lay their eggs inside and outside and they hatch over an extended period of time. Simply treating your pet cannot control fleas because the eggs are everywhere and will hatch and reinfest your pet. The only effective control is to treat your home interior and yard as well as your pet. Check with your veterinarian for effective products that will kill adult fleas as well as developing larvae and eggs.
We can help you with flea and tick treatment in the yard. We can apply a mild dry insecticide to your yard. It will last about six weeks and can be reapplied as needed later in the season. Fleas are active outdoors until there is a hard frost.

Core Aeration

Soils with a high percentage of clay become very hard and compacted. This makes it difficult for water, fertilizer, air, and grassroots to penetrate into the soil, Compaction also contributes to the build-up of thatch. Core aeration (also known as core cultivation, coring or plugging) is a process in which a machine pulls small plugs of soil about the size of your finger from the lawn. These are left on the surface where they will break down in a few weeks. Golf course greenskeepers use this process several times a year to keep their courses in top playing conditions. Lawns grown on clay soils should have this done once a year.

Benefits of Core Aeration

  • Relieves soil compaction.
  • Increases water infiltration.
  • Stimulates new root development.
  • Improves turf thickness, vigor, and overall health.
  • Provides better fertilizer penetration into the root zone.
  • Increases air penetration into the soil which increases soil microbe activity.
  • Increased microbe activity breaks down thatch.
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